Help & FAQ's

Purchase Instructions:

  1. Click "Buy Now" under the item you wish to purchase below. 

  2. When you add something to your bag by clicking "Buy Now", it should open a window to complete your check out. If that does not happen, click on "Shopping Bag" 👜 to check out.

  3. After you've checked out, you'll receive an email confirmation and link to the class or session. 
    Please also fill out the Registration Form below after your purchase. Thank You!

What's the Next Step?

  • After you've checked out, you'll receive an email confirmation of your purchase. 

  • Please also fill out the Registration Form below after your purchase. Thank You!

How do I join the Class or Session?

  • Group Classes ~ Online: After you purchase a class and fill out the registration form, you will receive an email with a link the online class and what to bring.

  • Group Classes ~ In-Person: After you purchase a class and fill out the registration form, you will receive an email with the location of the class and what to bring. 

  • Private Sessions: Please use the form below to inquire about private sessions. You will then receive an email to schedule your first session!


To register for a class, please purchase the class here in our online store.
Then fill out the Registration Form below.

Other Payment Options

You can also pay for classes, sessions and bundles by sending the amount above to Venmo or PayPal.

Venmo: Please include the name of the item you are purchasing in the description.
PayPal: Please select "send to friends and family" when checking out using PayPal.
Include the name of the item you are purchasing in the description.
somatic singing

Registration Form

For Group Classes and Private Sessions

Please fill out this form after your purchase to tell us which classes you're interested in and what your journey has been with your voice.

Name Email
I am registering for:
Meditation Monday Class
Warmup Wednesday Class
Unlimited Monthly Pass
My Voice Journey Submit

By using our website, online store, or voice session services you are agreeing to our Terms of Service